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19 Feb 2022 10:53 AM
19 Feb 2022 10:53 AM
Hey @petrichor
I'm sorry to hear how tough things are feeling at the moment. It can be such a scary feeling.
Here are some tips that I hope might be helpful
- Gather your supports
Whoever these are - family, friends, professional supports. Whatever you feel you need right now. You deserve not to go through this alone.
- Do something that involves the senses
This can be a range of things. Going outside for a little while; taking a walk; smelling a candle or using a nice body wash; taking a shower; spending time with a pet (if applicable); simply changing where/how you are sitting. It can sound small but can act as a circuit-breaker sometimes when everything is feeling overwhelming
- Set up a routine that feels manageable.
Sometimes if it weren't for a routine, it would be really hard to get out of bed. Even something like 'I will get up at (whatever time), have a tea/coffee, and sit outside for fifteen minutes'.
- Try to engage in activities that bring you joy
I know it can be really hard to find the energy to do it, so perhaps even setting a timer for ten or fifteen minutes and then seeing how it goes can feel a little more manageable
- Reach out to crisis supports if needed
Lifeline: 13 11 14 or Crisis Chat
Suicide call back service: 1300 659 467 or online counselling
Samaritans: 135 247
If in immediate danger: 000
I will also tag a few of our Forums Community Guide superstars here who might have their own advice @Appleblossom @Shaz51 @MDT @wellwellwellnez @Faith-and-Hope 💓
I hope this can be helpful. Take extra special care of yourself today.
Kind regards
19 Feb 2022 11:56 AM
19 Feb 2022 11:56 AM
Self care of whatever works for you.
I have not actually thought of them as 2 different aspects, it was just the way I posted about it.
When I stopped wanting to overcome my vulnerability, but started taking stock and recognising my vulnerability in a self protective manner, I withdrew. Stopped driving cos not safe. Went to bed. A lot of rocking, crying, but I am prety much all cried out now. In last 5 years given prn meds so take them. I play piano and Beethoven is soothing for me. A lot of time in bed, but as my general personality is pretty active, almost driven, I would not say it is too much. It was necessary. I would never say I cant get out of bed to do basic things as the basic things are usually done. I am not that kind of depressive, more a florid suicidal ideation kind. Sometimes I get active to distract from that. Develop a language of self respect and protection. Try different things that have given you pleasure before.
19 Feb 2022 12:13 PM
19 Feb 2022 12:13 PM
19 Feb 2022 12:16 PM
19 Feb 2022 12:16 PM
19 Feb 2022 02:47 PM
19 Feb 2022 02:47 PM
Hiya @petrichor 👋
I find that turning on the radio helps to ground my thoughts with music, but it is also peppered with news reports so perhaps a speaker and phone or some other source of favourite music might help ? Even if it’s low in the background. It gives your brain something else to focus on, and splitting your attention when plagued by negative thoughts.
I try to dress in beautiful colours when I am feeling like crap for the same reason, and put coloured nail polish on my hands where I see it all the time.
If these suggestions don’t work for you I hope they inspire you to something else.
🌷 F&H
19 Feb 2022 04:39 PM
19 Feb 2022 04:39 PM
thank you for the reminders. I’ve contacted one in my crisis team and I had a shower. I got myself an ice-cream.
I’m just terrified that I am so far away from everything and everyone I know and I won’t be able to build up local support until I have know where I’ll actually live. People think it’s an adventure but it’s pretty scary and there are so many unknowns and so many changes.
19 Feb 2022 04:48 PM
19 Feb 2022 04:48 PM
I understand what you are saying about ‘not’ overcoming vulnerability. People always told me how strong I was and my friend from back where I grew up said that I’m so strong I’ll keep fighting after the suicide attempt. After my last attempt I told her that it’s more to accept that ‘I’m weak’ and accept that others sometimes make a decision when I’m not we’ll enough. It makes me cringe but I know that’s an agreement I made with my care team after my last attempt. I just don’t think it would make me any better to go to a place I don’t know. I’ve got issues with feeling safe.
i love the piano. I’ve never played but I love piano. When you say that you withdrew, does that work for you? Withdrawing is a warning sign for me because I lose more ‘touch with reality’ (I don’t know how to explain that) when I don’t have interactions with real people. I guess we’re all different.
take care apple
19 Feb 2022 04:51 PM
19 Feb 2022 04:51 PM
thank you for your reply. I understand you limiting external stimuli. I get overwhelmed and I’ve learnt to (and keep forgetting to) take earplugs, headphones, sun glasses etc when I go out.
19 Feb 2022 04:57 PM
19 Feb 2022 04:57 PM
i like that you’re using colours. I don’t have many clothes but I like the colours outside. I like doing name 5 green things, 5 red things… i paint and I love seeing the world in colours and shapes. I miss having an art space. I have painting things but I used to have several projects spread out and sometimes just look at canvases for weeks, stuff everywhere, until I paint, draw, sew… I somehow don’t feel that kind of creativity now. Art is a private thing for me and I don’t have privacy anymore.
do you like art?
19 Feb 2022 05:09 PM
19 Feb 2022 05:09 PM
What do you like doing @petrichor
Sitting with you my friend xx
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