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17 Jul 2022 02:27 PM
17 Jul 2022 02:27 PM
Hey @tonys thanks so much for sharing the remarkable ant story. It seems you have become one with nature a little more than you intended!
It was so funny & suspenseful to read.
It was so cleverly written. I'm kind of the same mindset when I see few ants in the kitchen. I let them be & think to myself they are entitled to food too! And yet I have my limitations when when I begin to feel heavily outnumbered.....Now..... waking up to them convering my head would be a very clear overstep of our previous mutual understanding. Rap dancing & shower is the only possible outcome, as I see it!
Yep, you are definitely not the first person to be persuaded by Mr Google. It took me a good few years to develop a more discerning attitude. I wonder if us more mature folk are somewhat more susceptible to the likes of computer "knowledge'. We were raised in a time when written word was considered more reliable. The problem (and maybe I'm too gullible) is that Google is so convincing at telling lies!
Nonetheless, good on you for experimenting & having fun. I have a confession for you...I once put beetroot juice in my hair! I actually was pleased having bright pink purple hair. I basically had to let it dry naturally, as soon as I rinsed it, the colour went away.
Hope you and all the animals are well and enjoying your days. Thankyou @tonys
17 Jul 2022 10:46 PM
17 Jul 2022 10:46 PM
Hi @tonys ,
I love reading your posts. It’s so good to have you here on the forums. You have such a warm, heartfelt way of communicating.
Thank you for putting a smile on my face through your letters.
18 Jul 2022 07:46 AM
18 Jul 2022 07:46 AM
OMG @tonys , you have geese? 😮
@tonys wrote:and new victims are hard to find.
Haha! 😄
@tonys wrote:at least i have a few personalities and we all have each other
Do you mean alters? As in DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder)? There are a few people with that on here...
I hope you're making a few friends on the forums are very engaging, the way you write! Very interesting to read your posts 🙂
18 Jul 2022 07:49 AM
18 Jul 2022 01:08 PM
18 Jul 2022 01:08 PM
18 Jul 2022 01:43 PM
18 Jul 2022 01:43 PM
@maddison @NatureLover @BPDSurvivor hi there, thankyou for your replies, i put 3 name with the @ symbol to see if i could send the same kite to the them. the shot gun approach. can someone let me know if it works. to mr madisson, you are a forth dimensional genious. im of to buy can of beetroot asap. the orrange actually did stay in, so im thinking if i mix the beetroot and orange together, a new grunge hair product, at the very least something to blow old stumps out of the ground or a leprosy, ointment... probably just battle ship grey hair. yes i agree all the little critters have a right to a meal and a happy life. to think the world is just for us,.. well thats just vanity. to those that have a chuckle and smile at my farm management methods, good. adds a day to your life and 2 to mine. one for the laugh and one for good karma, ive not googled bi polar yet but my guess is its not about polar bears and magnets and if you made it out the other side, i tip my moth eaten hat to you. i should tell you that the paint job on the truck looked great untill the the horse decided it would be a good scratching post for his big fat ass! i always wondered why that part of the truck looked so faded. to nature lover. the flintstones had better health care so ive never had any one that doesnt scare easy, lift my hood to see if there is even a brain in there. my last wisdom tooth to come out was as follows... fishing line around tooth, attach line to horse, pop paper bag, big bang, faint,.. worst part was, first attempt failed. no shrink in his right mind is going to come out here. we all have the yellow toothed monster shadowing us and i change, hide, disguise, do whatever it takes to stop those canines from stripping the last scraps of flesh from my soul. the cockatoos have decided my new internet antenna doest belong in there vista so if this kite makes it out to the real word through what little those ill tempered sreechers have left me, ill be astonished,.. peace to you all from moonbase one. tonys
18 Jul 2022 02:19 PM
18 Jul 2022 02:19 PM
Message has reached its destination, Moon base one.
@tonys you have done great job tagging 3 people. I have no other words as I'm going to need to read your letter 4 more times to decipher the amazing way you express yourself. Don't change, I will catch up!
18 Jul 2022 02:41 PM
18 Jul 2022 02:41 PM
@maddison thanks so much. i only just logged in again because i was cooking an egg and i just remembered some one asked about the geese. well they got dumped here by someone that must have fell out off love with them. i looked at an egg and it definatly wouldnt fit inside a chicken and i looked at some pictures in a book upon there arrival. im calling it.. these woble assed honkers are geese. gotta go. tonys
18 Jul 2022 10:00 PM
18 Jul 2022 10:00 PM
Yes @tonys ! We all got your letter! Thank you! I agree with @maddison - I need to read your letters several times because I absolutely love the way you share your stories and ideas.
If anything, I wish I could come up with ideas like you. You really do have a talent at articulating your thoughts.
And yes, I appreciate all your farm stories. You are such a happy, content member of our forums family. So glad you have persisted with technology to join us each day.
19 Jul 2022 01:21 AM
19 Jul 2022 01:21 AM
@BPDSurvivor @maddison @NatureLover im so happy the letters got through my chewed up antenna and went to 3 places all at once. glad they put a shine on someones day. i figured that there are some pretty bent out of shape people out there and thats what this site is for. if my scrawl can bring a smile to some one who needs it, hope you can forward them all there. i fashioned a makeshift antenna out of a camp chair and some other salvaged rubish tip treasures, and bingo.. two bars of signal thankyou mr google. but its a long trip to town for a proper antenna tomorrow. harsh language and a poorly aimed boot didnt work on the cockatoos, i hooked the throw and the boot went through the window! yes im realy glad i finally came out of the stone age and bought a computor. no biggy for most people but for me , and the poor salesmen, he is probly still recieving counciling, the task seemed insurmountable. the disission part of my brain is aparrently damaged so for the real big ones i let the universe and a can of baked beans decide. allow me to elaborate.. when the campfire has died down to a hypnotic bed of embers and the wine has cast its spell, i gentley place the can of beans on the coals. one facing me and the other end facing an alternative reality. i settle back,.. 3, 4, minuts, and that sucker, is swelling outta all proportions. no ring pull lids either, thats cheating. ive got the old ones for just such occassions....Booooom... if im picking hot beans and barbeque sause of myself for the next ten minuts, thats the universe saying, dont do it boy. no,. a coin toss wont do. my point being, the really big ones should hurt so i never forget when and why i swayed that way. oh and thankyou for helping me to stay the coarse, hope you all find some nice shapes in the clouds tomorrow. tonys... ... now do i go to town or not ? ummm wheres the beans!!!
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