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Re: Christmas & Life after COVID

It's been a hard one for many, @BlueBay, that's for sure. But as you said, we got through it and we're nearly at the end! If nothing else, this year has shown how resilient we all are. That sounds like lovely plans to celebrate with your family too. 

@Judi9877, yep, I'll be there. See you then! 😊 

Re: Christmas & Life after COVID

Hi @BlueBay @TideisTurning @Shazi55 @Powderfinger @LostAngel  

For Christmas this year, I'm planning on making it low key as my sister is working on that night and I don't know whether or not my housemate will visit her Mum. My car is broken down at my sisters house which is where I'm staying until I can afford to get it fixed in early January. My sister is great in letting me use her car to get things like stuff for Christmas. I'm planning on having a chilled out day with cold meats and salads and just trying to relax before uni goes back in January. I've ordered some books off Booktopia for my Christmas present so hopefully they'll arrive, if not it's a Lego day for me with some Lego I purchased a few weeks ago for myself to have fun with. I'll also be spending time on here with a Christmas thing I have planned for the holiday break. As for presents for my sister and housemate, I'm waiting for them to each tell me what they want and I'll go from there.


Covid19 has really changed things in regards to Christmas with the Santa photos being different and here in Melbourne, face masks are still compulsory in most indoor facilities which means with Santa who is spaced apart due to the social distance rules. It really has been a weird year in many ways due to this pandemic. The thing is, I'm not even sure what's going to happen next even when a vaccine is approved and ready to go here. It's a funny in a weird way to be alive.


Tomorrow night should be fun and I'm looking forward to it. I hope to see you online everyone!



Re: Christmas & Life after COVID

Sounds like you're going to have a nice Christmas Day @Judi9877 


I'm home this year with my three kid adults and a little beautiful 3 yr old granddaughter. She's so excited for Santa. Actually my daughter is taking her tomorrow for a Santa photo. 
we're having lots of fresh salads, cold ham, turkey, prawns and thdn a few different desserts that we don't normally have. My kids are good they will buy some food and htlp out. 
This year we are having my daughters new partner. It's going to be a very chilled day with lots of good music and might even play a board game. 
And as for my beautiful granddaughter - she's going to be spoiled so much. I can't wait to see her face when she opens her presents. 

Re: Christmas & Life after COVID

Unfortunately (not in my plans or wishes) this Christmas is another write off for me. I truly have no energy left to try make the best of the day. I'm going to buy myself a present to play with on the day to keep distracted from the shittiness of it. I will be keeping my curtains closed for the day, shutting out the outside world and there will be no Christmas food shopping this year. I made an effort, did the tree and then it just all went downhill from there. 


As for Covid. I have no comment. 

Re: Christmas & Life after COVID

the lead up to christmas has not been good in terms of my emotional state but I do still have alot to be thankfull for I have a family who Loves me and has put up with my emotional behaviour even though they shouldnt have to,as for Christmas day it will look different this year but hopefully in a good way as I am getting together with family who I havent spent Christmas day with for years since I was a kid so that is something special to look forward to as for the presents and food I have had little motivation but will somehow pull everything together at the last minute,there wont be as many presnets this year but there will be more people and new memories

Re: Christmas & Life after COVID



I'm very much like you in the long term... Christmas has always been horrendous and my blinds will be down again this year...


And covid? 

... has been nowhere near as difficult as my childhood and adult life...

It's just a bump on the road to me 

Re: Christmas & Life after COVID

Sounds lovely @Judi9877 


Christmas has always been tough without my family. 

I prefer to keep that day to myself, blinds down, doors locked. 

I usually get some movies and something really nice to eat but this year is looking grim.

My breaks need fixing and my partial plate needs repair and teeth added after a couple were extracted... I don't know how I'm going to find the money 🥺 

As for covid, I just don't care! 

When I look at my life as a whole, it's barely a bump. Infact, in many ways, this year has been a great recovery year for me and all I wish for Christmas is my two front teeth+ and to not have break failier! 

A few action DVDs and something nice to eat would be lovely too but I think at this point I'm asking way too much! 

