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Re: Getting help rural Vic is next to impossible

Hi. @Former-Member, Thank you for taking the time to write me such a thoughtful, practical reply. 
You got most of it right, the financial difficulties have eased greatly since I moved here. I actually have savings now, something I didn't have in the city. 
So far, I have had my medical records transferred to 3 different clinics, and been seen by 6 different doctors, and in every case, despite telling me they needed my medical records before they could treat me, they didn't even glance at them until I demanded they do so. It's one of the reasons I gave up on doctors, and became so isolated. When you feel like crap, and it takes weeks to build up both the energy and the courage to go to a new doctor, and then you not only have to explain it all over again, but almost lose it at them before they even bother to read your records, it takes it out of you. the last one made me so stressed, it took me nearly 2 weeks to recover from. 
On a positive note, Thanks  to @Fancy_Pants info, I have had an email back from Mind, Victoria, and they have offered me services here in my town. I'll be speaking with them later this morning to set it up. From the information they sent, they seem to tailor their services to your needs, which might be just what I need. I say "might", because I'm a bit worried that it will be more of the same, but hopeful it won't be.
Thank you to @utopia @Kurra and @Former-Member too, for taking the time to read this thread, and give me some much needed support. 

Re: Getting help rural Vic is next to impossible

I have spoken to MIND's intake people, I'll have an assessment on Thursday, over the phone. The waiting list is long, and could be months before I am on the program, but at least I'll be on the list, and that is progress. They also gave me the number of a small local advocacy group, who my have info on doctors in the area. I'm waiting on them to call back, they told me 10am, and it's almost 10.30am. I guess I just have to wait.

Re: Getting help rural Vic is next to impossible

@Janee. That's great news. The advocacy group sounds great. Use them when you need to.
Keep posting here and responding to other posts. We will help if you need to unburden yourself, if you need advice, if you just need a chat or if you need a bit of a laugh.
I'm so pleased you made the call to MINDS

Re: Getting help rural Vic is next to impossible

Good morning Janee, 

this is my first post and I am astounded at how similar our symptoms are, It is a relief to know how I feel is how other people feel, I have a load of washing to hang out but it will take me about an hour to convince myself to actually do it, 

i also live in rural Victoria but I have a great psychologist and a great doctor even though they technically are over the border,I also have a dog and also a cat and it is their welfare that keeps me going, there are times I don't want to do anything but my dog insists on a walk and the cat comes too and inevitably I end up having a laugh at their antics.

i have chosen to live on a farm as I wanted a farm but I am very financially challenged there is no way I could buy a bit of land so I rent a farm house this way I can watch all the action without responsibility, I see new calves , wombats,birds and the scenery is beautiful but none of this takes away my symptoms. 

What living here does is keep me going and gives me hope. 

I hope you can get the support you need it seems you are making headway give your dog a big hug from me ( crying now) and feel the unconditional love. 

Keep on keeping on! 

Re: Getting help rural Vic is next to impossible

I just spent a difficult, but not unpleasant hour-ish on the phone with the intake person from Mind, Vic. The good news is, I qualify for the service. The bad news is, the waiting time is anywhere from 6-18 months. The other good news is the intake company has services in my area specifically for people on the waiting list. The services are not as comprehensive as Mind's, but it's good that I have things I can access while I'm waiting. They are going to mail me all the info, so I'll be able to read through it at my leisure, and decide what works for me. I finally feel like I'm moving in the right direction. It might take a while, but I'll get there. Thanks for all your help and support.

Re: Getting help rural Vic is next to impossible

Hello @Redant 
Welcome to the forums. It's all new to me too, this was my first post as well. So far the natives are friendly, and very welcoming.
Yes, always good to know it's not just you! I know what you mean about the washing, I put a load on last night, and now the morning is gone and it's still not out!! I love that your cat goes for a walk with you and the dog! My girl doesn't understand cats, she just barks at them, because they won't play ball with her LOL. I'll definitely give her a big hug, that's just way too easy 🙂 You can do the same from me to your furkids!
I'm in a town, but I have a wonderful view from my kitchen window. After almost 30 years of city living, where my only view was fences or brick walls, I love being able to see a massive chunk of sky, and watching the changes in the colours of the hills. I don't get wombats or calves, but I do get heaps of parrots. A couple of weeks ago there was a huge flock of black cockatoos in the neighbour's tree! I also get loads of white cockatoos, crimson rosellas, and lorikeets in and around my garden, although I miss the possums I had in my fig tree at my city digs. 
Thanks for the reply 🙂

Re: Getting help rural Vic is next to impossible

Hi Guys, a slightly different tangent but along the same lines, is anyone out there able to point me in the direction of support groups in our area, i have recently managed to remove myself from an abusive relationship and am suffering major panic attacks and anxiety levels, i tried to head out for breakfast the other day and found myself just sitting by the side of the road shaking in absolute fear.

any and all help greatly appreciated.

i have a counsellor and a clinical pschologist but feel like only people who have lived it at this time are going to be able to give me perspective

thank you so much for taking the time to read about my situation

Re: Getting help rural Vic is next to impossible

@Redant @Janee. When I made the move to the country - I couldn't get over the sky. So vast -no smog. The stars at night - more than the eyes can take it.

Re: Getting help rural Vic is next to impossible

oh yest, the stars are amazing, and I never knew the moon was so bright, even when it's not full!

Re: Getting help rural Vic is next to impossible

@Janee. I've started noticing the cycles of the moon. It's amazing how much I truly see of Mother Nature now & the small part of this planet I live in.
It helps raise my dpirits to sit and watch and listen to the birds that visit my 1/4 acre town block.
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