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Re: Carers under 30...

Houses can take a long time to sell where I am @outlander  so not holding my breath.  


How are you doing?

Re: Carers under 30...

Im not so great @Former-Member i dont really have many words to describe it though. Stuff at home is really hard and my mh has gone haywire as has my physical health.. i guess would a way to describe it...
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Re: Carers under 30...

Sometimes it feels as though everything is falling apart @outlander 



Re: Carers under 30...

Very much so @Former-Member
April is a really triggering month so maybe its that causing it. I havent slept in days with last night being pretty awful- panic attaks jumping at every noise tossing and turning and seeing things as well.
Worried about sleeping tonight hoping it wont be to bad
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Re: Carers under 30...

Yikes @outlander Dont know how you manage. One night without sleep and I cannot function at all well.  


Am just about asleep now, will need to switch off.

Re: Carers under 30...

Im use to it with chronic insomnia. Its not unusual to go a night or 2 without any sleep . Just makes it harder when thr brain wants to make up things 😒

Goodnight sleep well @Former-Member
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Re: Carers under 30...

Re: Carers under 30...

lol @Former-Member

Re: Carers under 30...

@Former-Member if you are around would you mind sitting with me for a little bit?
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Re: Carers under 30...

Sure thing @outlander . I am around this morning and would be happy to sit with you. Here or your other thread, whichever is the more relevant. Let me know.

