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Re: Carers under 30...


Sounds like you have things worked out ๐Ÿ˜€.

Have got a bit of a mess happening here as I am sorting through some kitchen stuff and bric-a-brac that we will try and hoist off on unsuspecting friends at the weekend as well as some things for Mr Darcy to take to an op shop on Tuesday. 

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Re: Carers under 30...

How are you going @outlander ?

Re: Carers under 30...

thanks for checking in @Former-Member Heart
i suspect your pretty busy getting your house ready for the real estate....

@Former-Member Heart thank you for your supportive posts on the other thread

Re: Carers under 30...

sorry my sister @outlander , sending you hugs and thinking of you xx

Re: Carers under 30...

why on earth are you sorry? @Shaz51 youve nothing at all to be sorry for..

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Re: Carers under 30...

@outlander  this old duck is finding the tidy up difficult. Got place adequately tidy for internet photos.  Finding it very hard to get my bum into gear.

Re: Carers under 30...

just feeling like i have not been around much my sister @outlander  xxx

Re: Carers under 30...

Cleaning is hard work @Former-Member i find it hard to get motivated to but your getting there even in slow steps. It all counts. Is your house on the market yet?

Its quite ok @Shaz51 you have no reason to apologise at all. You can only do what you can and you do much more than that. Hugs for you โค
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Re: Carers under 30...

Yes @outlander  went on internet today

Re: Carers under 30...

Fingers crossed you get some interest @Former-Member