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Re: Carers under 30...

A pleasant day out = 😀

How have you pulled up?


Now at friends @outlander, we have a bit of a trek home so having a couple of stops.

Re: Carers under 30...

the bone brusie has healed well and ive only got a slight ache but as expected my ankle is playing up. it always does due to an incorrect diagnosis and treatment when i first had the injury but all in all im alright.
my brian has given me a break today to with no suicidal or self harm thoughts or urges and starting to feel a little like my old self today

visiting some friends along the way sound good too @Former-Member
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Re: Carers under 30...

@outlander  😀

Re: Carers under 30...

Hugs @outlander  Heart

hello @Smc , and safe travels @Former-Member 

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Re: Carers under 30...

Evening @outlander  how are you going?

Re: Carers under 30...

hey @Former-Member

Its been quite a few busy days for me.

Pops gp appointment was cancelled and made for today but my nurse appointment went ahead. We covered quite a lot and I opened up about a few things which she is concerned about and has pointed out that is very out of character so wants to keep an eye on that. And spoke of a few usual things and has made me a double appointment to speak to my gp about my medications, other refferrals and renewals of the care plan for friday.

I had had a call from the hospital and ended up speaking to the NUM for around half hr talking about the procedure, a date that is confirmed (providing the hospital itself doesnt cancel as my oral surgeon just works within the hospital and not a designated section etc) and that is in november. She was quite understanding and accomodating towards needing a date and letting me know of a few close areas and also offerred the hospital hostel but have said no as theres quite a nice hotel with water views nearby so I think that would be nicer. Staring to feel very real with that now.

Today- Spoke with the gp and he has given me some ideas on where to proceed and what he will do at the next appointment which ive made and was given a pathology thing for pop to do beforehand so tomorrow morning and then he speaks to him on monday about the results. Im very worried about the downfall after that session. If I go to the appointment on monday with him I think itll upset him more where as the dr can make it look less obvious and more routine if im not there. But ill see what happens and Ill find out what pop is comfortable with on the day.

Also spent around 4 hrs on the phone today shuffling my appointments around and making new ones for both myself and pop too so ive just added in 2 extra appointments this week for me and another one for pop next week so its getting quite busy this week.

It was hot today and I was up and out of the house doing the horses between 6 and 8 before going to the drs and doing the phone calls etc.

tomorrow ive got physio, windscreen fitting for a smashed window, and grocery shopping, thursday ive finally been brave enough to make an appointment to go see the exercise physiologist and then friday ive got the long gp appointment who is also thinking about refferring me to another psychiatrist again to get a review on meds. I was honest with her and said I didnt like the current psych I had and I didnt want to go back to her.

In between that is the stuff with the kids, some busy times with the horses and horse events on the weekend and weekends coming up, pops stuff, and also some very strong emotions with overwhelm, guilt, uncertainty, and pressurised which I thinking might lead to another argument with mum if I open my mouth about something bothering me.

So I guess that was abit of rave! sorry



@Shaz51 @Smc @Faith-and-Hope  @Corny  and everyone , sorry im probably forgetting others...

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Re: Carers under 30...

Sounds like you are getting on top of medical appts for both you and Pop @outlander and that you have found a GP that you are happier with. Hopefully you can find a MH treatment and care team that you will also feel.comfortable with.

Re: Carers under 30...

@Former-Member @Smc @Shaz51 @Former-Member ❤
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Re: Carers under 30...

Hi @outlander  👋

Re: Carers under 30...

evening @Former-Member