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Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

@Former-Member Smiley Very Happy Smiley Very Happy Smiley Very Happy Smiley Very Happy Smiley Very Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

@Former-Memberthanks going to watch that later.

I use youtube a lot to watch tv episodes, tv bloopers really anything funny that I can laugh at or go awwww thats cute!

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

@Lonely_Together So lovely!

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

@Former-Member, you mentioned the two best ones for independent music: Bandcamp and Soundcloud. Vimeo is my video site of choice, more designed for independent artists than the rough and tumble of YouTube. Poetry, well I'm connected to a lot of individual poets online and I see their writing every day on Twitter and FB. But there is another open poetry site called Hello Poetry, that I like. Visual arts it would have to be Flickr, Deviant Art and Pinterest.

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

@Former-Member I just love comilations of Tv bloopers. Especially shows I love!

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

I have a bit of a problem with looking for good things on social media. It’s when I’m down and need to feel better but I become manic about finding something that will make me feel good. 

Hiya everyone. Late to the party again 😳

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

@Mazarita This is awesome, thanks!

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

At the risk of sounding like the amazingly geeky nerd that I am, I just realised that I mostly use the internet for learning new cool stuff. Smiley LOL

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Love a good blooper reel @Former-Member

Well guys - its that time of the evening. What a great Topic Tuesday this has been! @Former-Member thank you so much for your wisdom tonight, the online world is big but from tonight I think we all got quite a few good tips on how to approach it!

For more reading on this topic and tips from Mat - check out his SANE blog post here!

THANKS @Former-Member!

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Hi @Teej! I had the same problem, so i started a folder of bookmarks that I'd store whenever I stumbled across them, then go to them when I was down. It worked!