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Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Thanks for the tip about Twitter lists - I might look into this some more. 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

@Former-Member I feel this too. I've just recently started muting and turning off notifications -- even just for a few hours or a day sometimes -- and it's really helpful for that overwhelming feeling.

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

@Former-Member I avoid the flood of material on social media by limiting myself to FB and Forum Land. I turned off all the email notifications for Forum Land such that I have to actually come onto the site to read anything. Since coming to Forum Land, I can go ages without going onto FB. I think in general I don't have huge issues with social media overall because, well, quite frankly, I'm just not that social. Smiley Very Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Hi to everyone who is here tonight, I guess I'm feeling the same as you all. I want to be safe in cyber world but also find I may say too much, as I tend to trust people and I'm a very open person. I'm learning to be careful as I go so not to be dragged down and trigger me out of control. 

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

@Former-Member Control is such a powerful force when you're dealing with the constant stream of online stuff. Sounds like you've got it well under control!

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Good call, @Phoenix_Rising -- there's no more powerful way to mute a social network than to not be on it!

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Hi, @Heavenbound, thanks for coming! Yeah, it's a hard call to limit what you share. I used to share a lot more personal stuff online, but social media has got bigger and not everyone plays nice (outside Forum Land, of course), so I've decided to treat it a little more cautiously, which still engaging.

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

I totally agree @Phoenix_Rising, well said. Woman LOL

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

@Lonely_Together They're really great, and an extra bonus is, you don't have to follow an account to have it in a list, so they don't clutter up your main feed. I do this with a lot of news accounts.

Re: Topic Tuesday//Designing your online world//Tues. 16 Jan. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

@Former-Member wrote:

 not everyone plays nice (outside Forum Land, of course).

@Former-Member I definitely feel much safer in Forum Land than on FB and I can see that that's why my FB usage has dropped so much. Outside of Forum Land, social media is such a totally unregulated space. I know it sometimes feels icky when posts get removed in Forum Land, but I do super like the sense that this is a safe space.