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Re: Upcoming Enhancements to SANE Forums: Thanks to Your Feedback

📢 REMINDER: Upcoming changes to SANE Forums


Just a reminder that two important changes will be happening next week, starting Monday 2nd September.


To help you find your way around, below is a screenshot of the new topic categories you’ll see when you access the Forums from Monday afternoon. 


When will threads be moved?

Threads will start being moved from Monday afternoon and will continue throughout the week. While we are moving threads into their new homes, those threads will be read-only, but only for a short time.

What threads will be moved and where are they going?

Friends, Family and Carers Forum: Threads within the our storieslooking after ourselvessomething’s not right and useful resources categories on the Friends, Family and Carers Forum will be moved to the NEW Friends, Family and Carers discussion space (see screenshot).

Threads within the welcome & getting startedsocial spaces and special events categories on the Friends, Family and Carers AND Lived Experience Forums will merge.

Lived Experience Forum: We’ll be moving some threads out of something’s not right, our storieslooking after ourselves, and forums news and updates into the new categories below:

·         Recovery Club (previously called Looking After Ourselves) 

·         Managing relationshipsNEW 

·         Advocating for changeNEW 

·         Talking through trauma and PTSDNEW 

·         Managing thoughts of suicide & self-harmNEW 

·         Employment, education and training NEW

·         Events and updates NEW




Redirects will be placed on all threads so you will always be able to find your way to their new home.

Please take the time to explore these changes and post any questions you may have here in this thread. We are so grateful for your patience and understanding as we work to improve our community space.

The SANE Forums Team

Re: Upcoming Enhancements to SANE Forums: Thanks to Your Feedback

Hi everyone, by now you may have noticed the changes that have happened to the forums! 


One SANE Community under one forum and with-it new categories!  


Two of these new categories are the Friends, Families and Carers and Talking through Trauma & PTSD. These are more than just categories though- they are also open group hubs! This will allow us to tailor content specific content for members of these spaces and support accessibility. 


For the moment these groups also appear in the categories board, they are duplicates and will represent the exact same content no matter whether you post via the group hub or the category board. This is part of the roll out of enhancements to help make sure people get to the space they need to, but we will be working to streamline this soon. 


In the Group Hub area you will see them here: 




In the Forum Topics, Categories you will see them here: 




To post in these areas you will need to click on 'Join the Discussion’, which will give you instant access to posting new threads: 






Please feel free to post any questions you may have here as well as point other members to this thread if you see anyone unsure of the changes!  


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