I have been considering a few different ways to attack this battle that I am about to commence, naturally I need a referral from my GP to access a lot of them but are there some helpful ones about that I can use to fill the gaps? I can't get into my GP for 2 and a half more weeks at the earliest and I have spoken with a few of the help lines and they tend to want me to go towards an online help or see my GP anyway. I have also reached out to a couple of specialists in the local area and they also want me to get a GP referral which will help with things. I have been advised previously of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder and I have had bouts of depression and a couple other problems which left me in a bad place! The wheels are turning too slowly for me as I want to start my journey to wellness because the longer I am in this space the worse it can potentially get. I know that a couple of times I have had really bad days and things got so bad that I wasn't the same person, during those days I wasn't aware of the problems and it was a close friend who pointed it all out to me. As it turns out I also hurt them deeply with some of my words and actions and I certainly don't want to be in such a place again.