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Something’s not right

I can’t cope

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Snowie 


I am feeling better today. Thanks for checking in. 

I don’t feel like I belong here anymore. All I do is do things wrong. 

I don’t deserve to be here. 

I’m not good enough. I’m just screw up. 

Content/trigger warning
Im just done in general especially with life. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 @Snowie ,


How are you both?


Guess what Ruby did today? Usually, before we leave the house, we make sure all the room doors are shut so Ruby can't get in. Today, mum opened them all as she was cleaning and wanted to air out the rooms. She put Ruby in the bathroom while she was airing the house.... and she escaped.


OK, that fact that Ruby escaped and had access to the whole house is not such a big deal.


When I got home, mum said Ruby poo'd and vomited in her bedroom... okay, that's deal-able. We'll just clean it up.


But then my sister found that Ruby got into a full pill box!!!


TW: medication


Content/trigger warning
From what we know, she has eaten 6 fish oil tabs, 2 krill tabs, 3 benzos, 1 lexapro, 1 activated vitamin B and 3 abilify....


I think the fish oil attracted Ruby because she loves eating fish...


Ruby SEEMs okay, we are just monitoring her. We are not sure if she vomited out all the tablets as my mum cleaned the vomit up...


All these meds are soooo toxic...


We are watching and waiting. No symptoms yet. If there are, we need to rush her to the vet hospital.



Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 , What's happening? These are some very big thoughts you have...


Is there opportunity to reframe any of it?

Re: I can’t cope

That’s a bit scary @tyme. I hope she is ok. They are pretty toxic. Hopefully the vomit was the tablets. One positive is you know exactly what she had. 


I don’t really see much reframing. How do you reframe that I don’t belong? On here or in life? 

It feels really heavy.

Re: I can’t cope

Reframe: At this moment, my mind is telling me I don't belong, but there is evidence against this @Captain24 ??




Did I say something to make you feel you don't belong? I'm sorry if i have.

Re: I can’t cope

Nah.. it’s not you. @tyme. You make me feel welcome. 

I don’t really see much saying that I do belong. 

I did try and reach out but I posted the wrong things. So if I can’t do things right then I feel like I shouldn’t be here. 

Re: I can’t cope

Posted the "Wrong things"? You mean the post above where it was cleared? I can't see what was written @Captain24 

Re: I can’t cope

Yes @tyme. I don’t think it was any worse than others have written but I guess I’m just different. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 , I can't see the post, but if it is affecting you, feel free to put in a feedback/complaint


The last thing we want is for our comments or actions to make you feel like you don't belong. 


If I have done anything, please let me know. No hard feelings here.

Re: I can’t cope

@tyme sorry to hear about Ruby, I hope she is ok. They get into so much. Lucky they are cute!!


@Captain24 sending lots of 💗

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