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Something’s not right

I can’t cope

Re: I can’t cope

If you don't feel safe there, maybe you should take some more time off? @Captain24 

Re: I can’t cope

I don’t have any leave and I need to pay for appointment and the holiday. @tyme. I’m just praying for a drug test


What plans do you have for the next coming days? 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 I hope work goes well for you tomorrow hon.

@tyme mum wouldn't want anyone to think she is not keeping her house clean so cleans it before the cleaner comes. She very much cares what people think. Total opposite to me in so many ways!!


Will say goodnight to you both. Time for bed.

I hope you both get some sleep tonight.

Talk soon xoxo

Re: I can’t cope

Sleep well @Snowie. Thanks for the chat.

Re: I can’t cope

Do they do a drug test every shift? @Captain24 


As for plans, I'll be visiting relos and people I know who have requested I pay a visit. 


Other than that, I just want to chill and be quiet here. It's too noisy and the kids are too hyper. 


Oh! Guess what my lovely nephew did last night? @Captain24 @Snowie @Bow He sleep-wee'd! In the middle of the night, he knelt on the edge of his bed, and did what he had to to wee! Supposedly my sis and BIL couldn't wake him up! 


I laughed so much when I heard about it.. he had no idea he did it... full on relieved himself fully, and his eyes were open.

Re: I can’t cope

Awww @Snowie . Good night. I'll talk to you the next time I see you. I was going to ask whether you are talking about your mum, who lives with you?

Re: I can’t cope

Nah. They do randoms. @tyme. Sometimes they will do a blanket that covers everyone. 

It sounds like you have a busy few days planned. I hope it’s nice to catch up with everyone. 

That’s a bit weird. Has anything like that happened before? Do you all have your own rooms or is everyone sharing. 

Re: I can’t cope

Ahhhh @Captain24 ... and what are the chances they'll pick you to do the test??? 1%


It's draining catching up with people. I actually don't want to go, but I feel bad, that's why I'm going. I haven't seen some of these people in years. 


Here at my parents' place, there are 5 bedrooms. Yet all three kids want to be with me. I put my foot down and said no, so I've only got my niece, and I don't even want her here. In the night, I want to just go to another room. 


As for sleep-weeing, it never happens. What I've noticed with the two older ones is that when there's a change or they are overly exhausted, they either wet the bed or do something strange like that... 


What time do you need to be up for work tomorrow?

Re: I can’t cope

My fingers are crossed. @tyme. I’ve never had a random so it must be nearly my time. 

I hate catching up with people. All the small talk. Plus I just don’t do people much anyway. 

Tell her you need some space. It’ll hurt and she will carry on but it’s worth a try. 

That’s interesting about change. It’s something to keep an eye on I guess. 

I have to get up 4:30 in the morning. I feel sick with the thought. But at least I guess it’s a distraction that is probably desperately needed. 

Re: I can’t cope

Fingers crossed all goes 'well' with the drug test @Captain24 


As for my niece, what I'll do is tell her to get out in the morning so I can sleep. She wakes at 5:30/6am so she can leave me alone. 


She's not even asleep yet. She's reading.


Hope you get some rest tonight. 4:30 is very early lol!


And yes, I don't like small talk at all.

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