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Re: The Butterfly Room- ED support

Sorry it’s this way for you @Eden1919  know the feeling…

Re: The Butterfly Room- ED support

Hey @Eden1919 really sorry to hear you're struggling. You are 1000% enough, even when you can't seem to believe it. 

Here if you wanna chat 💜

Re: The Butterfly Room- ED support

@Bow @Jynx  thanks I just dont know what to do anymore i am trying so hard all the time and nothing is ever enough i am exhausted and sick of constantly having to suffer physically and mentally because of something that is supposed to be fun and enjoyable and a staple part of life. sometimes i wish my issues was with drugs or something because at least with drugs you can stop and not have to face being tempted everyday 3 times a day. like i mean if you dont eat for long enough you dont survive so you are constantly having to do the thing that is destroying you idk if i am making any sense and sorry if i said anything wrong i am not able to explain myself well today. 

Re: The Butterfly Room- ED support

Nah I hear you @Eden1919 ED has so many complex layers that I think most people couldn't even fathom. Like, food is necessary for survival, it's a super social thing, it's a daily need, so then to also have it be a huge source of pain and distress is truly awful. I imagine that would really get to you, and so I can understand your immense frustration and feeling quite defeated about it. Sounds like it feels there is no escape. 


I'm not sure if there's something I could say that would help but, I want you to know I hear you, and I'm sending big hugs.



Re: The Butterfly Room- ED support

I get it @Eden1919 … it’s constant torture. That’s how I see it and I don’t think people without an ED truely understand how painful it is. To be constantly having to face the monster. 

im in a shit place tonight too. 

Re: The Butterfly Room- ED support

Here with you as well @Bow  💜

Re: The Butterfly Room- ED support

Ta @Jynx 


me bodies taking a beating this week

Re: The Butterfly Room- ED support

@Bow  😥 Sounds super rough. Have you had much on this week? 

Re: The Butterfly Room- ED support

Some days have been busy.., others just at home, smashing myself with exercise @Jynx 

Re: The Butterfly Room- ED support

@Bow Mm always keeping busy hey. I hope you've had a chance for some rest as well